

To open the pedigree click on the name of the dog
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 Part 1 – Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

     All-Time's Genuine Risk (Michele) was born March 27, 2000 and she looks and behaves like her daddy CH. Otein's Realize The Dream (Pete).

     Pete won 1st place Veteran Dog Speciality and Best of Opposite Sex in Veteran Sweepstakes at 11 years April 2006, in 2005 he was Best in Show Speciality (BISS).

     Michele has the same sweet character and temperament as her dad and her sibling Am/Int.CH. All Time's Show Must Go On (Zolena).

     Both are out of A/C/Int.CH. Birchwood's Win-D All-Time (Dee).

     Michele started obedience training at the age of 6 months and is the most willing and intelligent dog. So last October (2005) we started at my cousin Gigi Busse's dogschool (Familienhundeschule Noerdlingen / Germany) with Agility and enjoyed it so much, I decided to keep going on with it. Michele loves it immensely and gets better every day, doing the whole thing.

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